Thursday, December 3, 2015

Two Years Already?

I mean, I know it has been a while since I blogged but that really caught me by surprise. I had forgotten most of the renovations I had made on the blog and now most of them are out of date. I'll have to work on fixing that. Just one more goal to throw onto the pile.

Let's start with this: Why am I back at the blog after two years? Well, why do I ever keep coming back. It popped into my head and I decided to roll with it. However, the bigger reason is that I just finished NaNoWriMo successfully for the first time since trying it back in 2009. Granted, I had more time than I usually do, but a success is a success.

Now I want to keep it rolling. I've got a lot of writing projects going and it is time to finish them. Then publish them. Then start some new ones. And I want to talk about these things. And complain a little about the problem of having so many things that I want to write and not knowing where to start.

So that's what I'm going to do. I am going to keep writing. I am going to take control of a life that seems out of control. I am going to update this page and keep it updated. And hopefully soon people would be looking for this page because they read my novel and they want to know a little bit more about me and what's going on. They want to know when the next book will be. So, maybe this time will be the time.

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