Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday posts

I think that the best time for me to post will be on Sunday. I have a lot of free time and it will be much like writing a letter. An open letter. Just like all the open letters that have been posted on Facebook.

Oh dear...

I guess I'll just have to live with that. <--That sentence used to start and end with the words "I guess". That's why we edit after we write! What it really comes down to is that I'm trying to keep my writing habit alive, but don't want to work on Sunday. That means no working on potentially publishable materials. However, writing for my friends and family would be acceptable. Plus, it allows me a goal of one blog entry every week. I'll draft the post early on Sunday and then I'll edit it before bed. That probably means that if you're following this you shouldn't look for the new posts until Monday morning.

This gives me practice editing and allows me to maintain my writing habit. Win/win!

So, here's the thing: I spent the last week updating my blog pages to account for my three new WIP. I haven't completely abandoned my old WIP, but they are all on the back burner until a later time. Those pages have not been updated, yet.

I think three is a reasonable number of projects to try juggling and they'll break down like this:

One Novel
One Stage Play
One Collaborative Project

I think this will keep me incredibly busy without giving myself too much work. Here's the problem: I've got a lot that I want to write. I mean a lot. Inspiration struck near the end of NaNo and I know have another novel that I want to be writing. I mean, I really, really, really want to be writing this novel. That's how excited I am about the premise (sorry, no spoilers). However, I have this sinking feeling that if I walk away from A Name Among Names before the first draft is finished that it will never get finished. That means I really need to focus on finishing that project even if I am a little less excited about it. I don't want to be in the habit of leaving projects unfinished.

Stage plays? I have Speakeasy well under way, but I also have at least two three other stage plays that spring to mind when I think about potential projects. All three of them get me incredibly excited and I can see actors on stage, sets in my mind, lighting...the visions are dying to get out.

The collaborative project is the one saving grace. I don't have a lot of people beating down my door to collaborate with me. This project can take as much time as it needs and I reasonably expect it to take years. Having an eye on the long-term can be so helpful for pacing.

There we go. That's what my life looks like. These are the projects that I hope will make me truly independent for employment. The projects that will allow me to sell some works, get an agent, and beginning living off of my own creativity, which I've wanted to do for most of my life.

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