Monday, March 1, 2010

Finding Ideas

For a while now I've been longing for an idea book, a place to write down my wonderful ideas. I've had notebooks, notepads, spare scraps of paper, and a whole lot more for the past ten years. Notebooks and pads always seemed to be used for whatever I need them for. They're also inconvenient to carry with me all the time which means I won't have them when I want them, and I'll have to hope I still remember my idea later when I get back to my notebook.

The problems with scraps of paper is obvious.

so, I needed an idea book and I finally got one! It's a leather bound book that is no larger than my hand. The inside pages are grid paper, but that doesn't bother me. It has a ribbon book mark to keep my current place, and an elastic band to keep it closed. It fits nicely in my pocket and it is now one of three must have items when I leave the house, along with my keys and wallet.

The greatest feature of this little book is that it works! It write down ideas and I get more ideas. I'm usually not a fan of writing things down (it weakens the memory), but spending brain power remembering an idea for months (or years) until I can put it into effect is taxing. Now I write down the ideas as they occur to me and I have brain power to spare creating new ones.

It's almost like a dream journal. If you write down what you dream, you'll soon find it easier to remember your dreams. If I write down my ideas, I get more of them.

Maybe someday you'll see the results of the book.

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