Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Title Contest

As previously mentioned, I am not good at creating titles. About a week ago I changed the name of my first book from "Basein" to "Brothers' Journey." Not a real good improvement. The title bothered me. It worked at me. I spent way too much time thinking about it. Then, as soon as I decided to put the title up for recommendations, I stumbled upon what I feel is a great title.

However, I am still going to open a contest to name the book. If I like you're title more than the my own, it goes on the book. If it gets published with that title, you get a big fat acknowledgment in the book somewhere. I'll even give you a signed copy recognizing your service.

To help I am publishing a synopsis of the book. Copyright Brendan Rowlands 2009


In the fantasy world Basein most people follow the god Aloi, founder of Basein. Hidden in the shadows are the followers of Damascus, the dark god. Shorn is a high-ranking member of their order who was raised in isolation by a Damascan father. Although he is a decent man, he has never been exposed to anything except the doctrines of Damascus. He truly believes that by following them he will make the world a better place, even if he has to commit some distasteful acts along the way. What are a few dead men if it saves the souls of the entire world?

This serves him until he befriends Sephin, a follower of Aloi. His worldview is put in danger when he is forced to kidnap and torture Sephin. His friend holds the key to finding Palthion, Damascus’s greatest enemy. Can Sephin protect Palthion’s whereabouts? Will Shorn destroy his friend in the name of a better world?

Complimenting this story is the tale of three brothers Palthion sends to rescue Sephin. Unbeknownst to them, they are being set up by Palthion to become heroes, because he has his own secret that would change Shorn’s plans. The stress of the journey soon has the brothers fighting each other. They need to learn to trust and protect each other in order to accomplish their goal.


Also, I want to know: Does the synopsis make you want to read the book?

Post comments and thanks for the feedback.

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