On a fair number of days I am the first of my family out of bed. On these days I usually find myself sitting in the dark at the computer, working on various tasks that need done. As I sit and recall the different tasks I open a new tab. I have no specific order I go about the work. Whichever task I see that I haven't dealt with comes next.
Yesterday I had several tabs opened on my computer when I happened to hear the odd slump of something at the front door. Expecting a package, but not thinking it to arrive so early I clicked on one of my open tabs: the tracking of that package. Indeed, the information said that it was "Out for Delivery." Given this I grabbed my crutches and hobbled to the front door. Looking out through the peep whole I could indeed see what appeared to be a small package sitting on my doorstep. I opened the door and brought the package inside.
I pushed the package along so that I could sit and work at the computer while I opened it. Not the most efficient form of multitasking but it was the way I worked. I opened the package to find a miniature of a black dragon. Do not be mistaken by the term miniature. The dragon is labeled as a gargantuan black dragon, and while it is quite small most of my other miniatures are dwarfed in comparison. As I was pulling this dragon from it's box I happened to click on another of my tabs to find this webcomic. Truly it was a morning of strange coincidences.
Pictures to follow.
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