I have a fantasy world. Most of us do. As we age we find ourselves spending more time in the world created for us by society and less time in our fantasy world. Most of us. I, however, still have a healthy addiction to my fantasy world and visit it frequently. I cannot escape. I do not try. I have no desire to. This holiday season allowed me more time to visit, and expand, my fantasy world. This brought little complaint from those who live with me until my fantasy world spilled over into five boxes crammed next to my bedside. Needless to say, the unsightly expansion of my realm caused some distress from Trina. She suggested a storage case to keep my fantasy in, as opposed to the five misused boxes. Of course, my mind quickly started working overtime as I imagined myself sitting with these overrunning pieces of imagination, sorting them, classifying them, and distributing them into a neatly organized case. I explained my desire to my wife, and while my vision was much grander than her original idea, I think the idea of me gently separating the pieces of my family touched some part of heart.
Of course, the first step to this organization would be to find the perfect storage device. I was loathe to shop before my incident and find myself, predictably, even less eager to go peruse the overcrowded aisles of the local stores since I have had my accident. Nevertheless, I had a vision in mind and as much as I try, Trina never allows me to send her as an errand girl to fulfill my visions, fearing that she will fail me. After a few failed attempts at find a compatible storage device I stumbled on the idea of going to our local home improvement store. We had been planning a trip anyway, given the need for a new car key. Granted, this need has become less pressing since I have lost the ability to drive, but it was still an errand to be taken care of. The trip was a success. We obtained the replacement key and an acceptable storage facility to store my make-believe in.

The day after obtaining this storage device I set to the task of sorting my fantasy. Of course, this was not a simple task. Do I divide my fantasy by race? By class? By good and evil? If I divide the orcs into
Post Optionsone group and the undead into another group, where does my Orc Zombie belong? Of course that was one of the easier questions to answer. Upon looking closely at the O.Z. it is clear that it belongs in the undead category.
I don't know how long it took me. It was a labor of love. Here you can see the end results of my work as my soldiers are divided before me. Could anyone be happier for their fantasy?